sexta-feira, 24 de outubro de 2008

How to write letters in English

Formal Letters

  1. Sender's address;
  2. Date;
  3. Receiver's address;
  4. Attention line;
  5. Salutation;
  6. Body of the letter;
  7. Complimentary Close;
  8. Signature.

*** Do not use contractions.E.g. I am writing to request... NEVER ... I'm writing to request...

Informal Letters

  1. Date;
  2. Salutation: Dear Brian or Brian;
  3. Body of the letter;
  4. Close: Love, Best wishes/regards, Yours;
  5. Sender's name.

*** You can use contractions. E.g. I'm, You're...

If you don't know the name of the person you're writing to:

Salutation: Dear Sir, Dear Madam, Dear Miss

Close: Yours Faithfully

If you know the name of the person:

Salutation: Dear Mr. Bright / Mrs. Bright

Close: Sincerely, Yours sincerely

1 Comment:

Fernanda e Pink said...

Eu e a Pink estamos adorando seu blog pois tem dicas muito bacanas. Gostaríamos de sugerir que você escreva sobre saudações, formas de se despedir e frases simples como: "como vai? Eu estou bem!" "estou com fome", "tenho sede", etc. Beijoquinhas....